Sound Meditations & Sound Therapy Sessions

Immerse yourself in a gong bath and meditation, using solfeggio tubes.

A meditation and visualization using Tibetan Bowls and Table Tubes as a vehicle to enter a deeper state of relaxation. This is the first video in a series of Sound Meditations.

A 16-minute deep sound meditation and visualisation, with a particular meditative focus aided by the nai flute and drum.

An uplifting and inspiring sound meditation accompanied by the comforting chimes of the sansula of the kalimba family of instruments. You will feel wrapped in a warm, safe cocoon of sound.

The fifth of the Sound Meditation series with Tibetan Bowls, NAI Flute, Chinese Gongs, Wind & Hanging Chimes & Table Tubes.

A sixth sound meditation, with a longer sounding section this time, including wind chimes, Solfeggio tubes, Gongs, Freenotes & Tabletubes, Conch shell, Tibetan bowls and Wah Wah effect. It is recommended that you listen to this AFTER Sound Meditation 5 and preferably follow the playlist in order, for maximum benefit.

A guided sound meditation based on a live performance given at the Hamblin Centre at the 'Let's Shape Peace Together' event to mark the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21st, 2021. Includes a relaxation, focused meditation on world peace and sound bath with instruments from gongs to tubes and chimes.

A virtual sound therapy session and guided meditation and visualization, guiding you through six energy chakras points in the body, using a variety of different instruments. Focused sounds help restore balance in the body.

Focused sounds help restore balance in your body. This second sound therapy session and meditation guides you through six energy chakra points in your body for a boost to your vitality and energy. Less verbal instruction is given in this session, so it is highly recommended that you begin with the first Sound Therapy session, especially if this is new to you. A range of indigenous sounding instruments are used, including gongs, bowls and shamanic drumming.

The third virtual sound therapy session. Please listen to these in order.


Energy Linking Meditations


Within You is the Power