Affirmation Word Cloud

Look at this Affirmation Word Cloud, which is made up of words from one of HT Hamblin’s affirmations:

“My life is perfect here and now. My real self is also perfect in the Mind of God. Thou art in me as an infinite capacity (or, as my infinite capacity) to achieve, overcome, serve and gain life’s victory”

What is a Word Cloud?

A Word Cloud is an image made of words that together resemble a cloudy shape. The size of a word shows how important it is, not how important we think it is but how often it appears in the original text - its frequency. 

The intention behind it is that you can use it for unstructured meditation. For example, you can look at the words and select for reflection any one that appeals to you at that time. As often or as little as you want. So, instead of us merely providing you with one of HT Hamblin's affirmations to read and work with, we are providing you with something that, we hope, will allow your intuition or inner self to lead you to a word that may be appropriate for you at that time.

We update the affirmation Word Cloud monthly, so don’t forget to bookmark this page and check back!

Why use affirmations?

Affirmations and meditations are used in order to still the conscious mind and bring one into a realisation of Truth and quiet rest in the Presence and Love of God. Affirmations can be used either in a right or wrong way.... to increase our understanding of Truth and to help forward our spiritual development, or they can be used to alter our objective life and to avoid the experience that spiritual law brings to us as an opportunity for growth. Affirmations do not take the place of meditation in the quiet place – they reinforce it.